Aromatic inhalation is the most beneficial way to use essential oils for our minds & emotions (emotions and the physical being intrinsically linked), due to the olfactory stimuli, the essential oil molecules directly affect the limbic brain/system and its memory. Essential oils have molecules small enough to break through the blood brain barrier, oxygenating the brain, directly affecting the amygdala and hippocampus. The amygdala is considered the emotion center of the brain, and how we react, and the hippocampus is responsible for the formation of NEW memories about PAST experiences. Therefore, access to the limbic system is extremely powerful. The limbic brain is responsible for memory, blood pressure, heart rate, and its the area which sends messages to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, these responsible for hormone release. Useful oils are Rosemary, Basil, Frankincense, Patchouli, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Clary Sage, Peppermint.
If you are really keen to change your thought process (neuropathways), you can use Rosemary OR Basil, with Frankincense, and YOU can start creating NEW neurones by aromatically inhaling any of the above 3 essential oils, whilst saying positive affirmations, positive thoughts, changing old patterns. Its important to feel the happiness those statements bring to your being, the changes to your life which will bring relief perhaps. Its as simple as that! Ever wondered why when you first sit to meditate it is almost impossible to stop the mind from 'running around' in its 'monkey mind', well this is the way your neuropathways, sit everyday and try and try again, eventually you start to create NEW neuropathways where your mind starts to settle in this new practise you are training your mind to do!
My experience with this breaking old neuropathways is an ongoing journey. Being an adult, and having awareness of a 'holding on' pattern I have in my own body, from personal experiences I had a child, flight fight, fear, physical abuse, I have a pattern in my adult life to 'lock' and hold on to parts of my body. As if I am waiting to run. Don't get me wrong, I have fun and laugh, and love in my life, as a child and as an adult, but some experiences back when I was young and vulnerable have left a post traumatic effect on me. My old stuck neuropathways keep playing out and have me creating stress and tension in my body! I have had a decade of auto-immune issues, namely one 'ulcerative colitis', and another which has been causing unexplained physical pains in my joints/body, moving from pelvis, to hips, to spine, to shoulder, and neck. The doctors have no answers, but pain management, which has become considerably difficult in a life trying to give your all to your business, and family. Because of this, I am working with Rosemary and Frankincense, aromatically, daily before sleep, as I inhale I have thoughts of 'my body being safe', 'my body being protected'. Its something to face, being aware that my body cannot be feeling safe or protected, otherwise I would not be feeling these involuntary 'holding on' actions. Thank god for my yoga and meditation practise which have made me aware of my daily patterns.....I have 'tools' to help me on this painful road, but I AM creating NEW neuropathways, releasing my body to feel safe, protected, relaxed, YOU can too if you are experiencing things in your body which are not working for you. We all have the my journey continues!