Theta Healing

BE a BETTER version of you!

Nikki’s own journey with Theta Healing® began through her desire to ‘get well’, physically & emotionally. She felt an inner emptiness at times and knew she had unresolved issues. With Theta® she found a healing modality that changes anything desired, on such a profound level!

After feeling deep shifts within she felt impelled to train, becoming a Theta Healing® Practitioner herself. Nikki feels everyone should have the chance to evolve into the best versions of themselves, free from reoccurring patterns/behaviours which holds us back and keeps us attracting the same negative experiences.

Are you Insecure & you Crave more Confidence?

Are you Stressed & you Need more Peace and Ease in your Life?

Have you got Relationship issues & you Desire to Fully enjoy your current/or a future Relationships (family or partners)?

Do you have Limiting beliefs & you Want to Believe in Yourself?

Do you have an issue with ‘love’ & you Long to Love yourself or others?

Do you have destructive Behaviour & you Yearn for Life to Flow more Happily?

Have you Suffered trauma of any kind (sexual, abusive)/PTSD and you Wish to be Free from it ruining your life?

Have you experienced a difficult Childhood, from family or school and you have a Hunger to let go of the PAST?

Have you experienced Addiction and you Must clear this pattern to move forward?


Theta Basic & Advanced DNA Training

With Skylar Acamesis


Theta Digging Deeper

With Vanya Silverton


Theta Game of Life

With Anna Kidney

Theta healing is the modality to bring you CHANGE, unlocking your subconscious mind, where all our beliefs and memories are stored, amazingly these can be easily healed and replaced with positive beliefs which serve your life with what you want to create, with who you want to be!

Are you self Motivated and an Action taker?

This is not a passive healing treatment, you need a proactive mentality, in saying that if you want to be more proactive and self motivating then Theta Healing® can shift that issue! Any problem can be resolved, the impossible is possible with this technique!

Single session: £125 (this is not the best value, as the first sessions will open you up to the shifting process of Theta, if you desire a real change see the below packages)

** 3 session ‘peeling’ package investment £360

** 5 session ‘shifting’ package investment £575

** 3 month ‘transformation’ package investment £990 (9 sessions)

You get a FREE complimentary ‘discovery’ call with me. What is a discovery call!?

This is a chance for us to have a chat before you commit to a package**. The discovery call is as much for me, as it is for you, to see if Theta Healing resonates with you and you feel safe and connected to me, and also for me to accept you as a client. If our discovery chat rocks both our boats and you want to go forth, then you book. (Fill in the below client session questionnaire on application, then we schedule in a time for your discovery call. You can also email me with any prior questions to

** please note prices do go up depending on trainings I undertake, therefore contact me to book at the above present priced packages

**Spaces are limited per week, per month, or at any given period, so please feel free to email me to see if I have space when you are ready for change


ThetaHealing® Basic

ThetaHealing® Advanced Practitioner

ThetaHealing®Dig Deeper Practitioner

ThetaHealing® Game of Life