Muscle Testing
We use muscle testing to test on belief systems held in the unconscious. You may have heard of muscle testing through kinesiology (applied kinesiology). Anybody can do it because it uses your electrical system and your muscles.
Checking subconscious beliefs. Nature answers your yes/no questions by projecting a positive energy or a negative energy into the electrical circuit that you have created by your fingers especially for the muscle testing.
In Theta Healing® we have many methods to muscle test and below is two of the most effective ones.
METHOD 1 - Ring Method
Circuit Fingers
If you are right-handed: Place your left hand palm up. Connect the tip of your left thumb with the tip of the left little finger (not your index finger). If you are left-handed: Place your right hand palm up. Connect the tip of your right thumb with the tip of your right little finger. By connecting your thumb and little finger, you have closed an electrical circuit in your hand, and it is this circuit you will use for testing. (Circuit fingers can touch tip to tip, OR finger pad to finger pad).
Test Finger
To test the circuit (the means by which you will apply pressure to yourself), place the thumb and index finger of your other hand inside the circle you have created by connecting your thumb and little finger. The thumb and index finger should be right under your thumb and your little finger, touching them. Don’t try to make a circle with your test fingers. They are just placed inside the circuit fingers that do form a circle. It will look as if the circuit fingers are testing on the test fingers
Positive Response
Keeping this position, ask yourself a yes/no question in which you already know the answer to be yes. (My name is _____?) Once you’ve asked the question, press your circuit fingers together. Using the same amount of pressure, try to pull apart the circuit fingers with your test fingers. Press the lower thumb against the upper thumb, and the lower index finger against the upper little finger.
The action of your test fingers will look like scissors separating as you apply pressure to your circuit fingers. The motion of the test fingers is horizontal. Don’t try to pull your test fingers vertically up through your circuit fingers. If the answer to the question is positive (if your name is what you think it is!), you will not be able to easily push apart the circuit fingers. The electrical circuit will hold, your muscles will maintain their strength, and your circuit fingers will not separate. You will feel the strength in that circuit.
Negative Response
Once you have a clear sense of the positive response, ask yourself a question that has a negative answer. Again press your circuit fingers together and, using equal pressure, press against the circuit fingers with the test fingers. This time the electrical circuit will break and the circuit fingers will weaken and separate. Because the electrical circuit is broken, the muscles in the circuit fingers do not have the power to easily hold the fingers together. In a positive state the electrical circuit holds, and the muscles have the power to keep the two fingers together.
The answer you are able to get through the testing is from your bodies nature wanting to communicate. It is not an answer that has been concocted or made up by the conscious will.
METHOD 2 - Standing Method
Another simple form of muscle testing is the standing body technique.
Stand with your feet hip width apart (nice and tall, no bent knees, head neutral), facing north if possible, in a grounded balanced position. You close your eyes and say ‘yes, yes, yes’ and should feel your body lean slightly forward. Bring yourself back to centre, and say ‘no, no, no’ and should feel your body lean slightly backwards. When your body leans forwards it means a yes. When your body leans backwards it’s a no. This “Yes” and “No” statement verifies that you are muscle testing correctly. You can now begin asking questions, getting the answers from your subsconscious mind and your electromagnetic field.
What if the muscle testing is not clear?
While it is generally extremely accurate, there are a variety of factors that can influence muscle testing. The most important factors include:
Hydration – dehydrated people do not muscle test properly. Drink plenty of water, massage your mid back by the kidneys.
Demineralisation – you can not muscle test properly if you do not have enough minerals in your system.
Stress – powerful emotional triggers can make muscle testing more difficult.
Forcing or controlling the muscle test - relax and trust the practitioner.
Theta Healers are trained to recognise when people are not muscle testing properly and have a variety of ways to work with the client to get accurate muscle testing results.